It's Your Turn!
Bought Wisdom, Volume II:
Only Flowers Bloom Silently
Tony Lamair Burks II and Thandiwe Thomas DeShazor, editors

Bought Wisdom is the kind of wisdom you get from experiencing life and all it tosses your way. Inspired by Bought Wisdom: Tales of Living and Learning by Tony Lamair Burks II, Bought Wisdom, Volume II will be an interactive and reflective book of your stories. We intend to publish the book in the winter of 2020/spring of 2021.
Bought Wisdom, Volume II: Only Flowers Bloom Silently shares real stories from real people. Your stories may be personal and revealing, they may include drama and emotion, they may share what’s horrible or terrific. Whatever the case, your stories are written from the heart and they teach us lessons you’ve learned from your triumphs and challenges.
There are many ways to get your stories included in Bought Wisdom, Volume II: Only Flowers Bloom Silently. Even if you don’t think you’re a writer, you’ve got a story to tell! Here are a few ways to get your stories written:
- Write It! The most common way to get your story in this book is to write it down. We encourage you to write it, then read it to someone you trust. Ask them for their thoughts. What do they like about your story? What do they wonder about your story? What’s missing from your story? Take their comments to heart and revise what you’ve written before submitting your stories to us.
- Talk It! Google has a free Speech Recognition add-on so you can talk your stories into a Google Docs document (it only works with the Google Chrome browser, however). While Dragon NaturallySpeaking isn’t free, you can type as fast as you can talk–up to 160 words per minute, three times faster than typing by hand–with up to 99% accuracy.
- Tell It! You can schedule a call with the editors to tell us your story. We will talk with you about co-writing and ghostwriting options for including your story in the book.
Click HERE to submit your stories and an optional two-sentence bio. If we select your story for publication, you will receive three complimentary copies of Bought Wisdom, Volume II: Only Flowers Bloom Silently. You will also be able to purchase additional copies of the book at a discounted price.
What we need now are stories; stories of people. The truth is that more stories of living and learning need to be told today:
Stories of principle; principal stories.
Stories of the playground, the classroom, the library. Stories of our schools, our homes, our faith communities, our courtrooms, our boardrooms. Stories of the White House. Presidential stories. Stories of courage, of death, of life. Stories of faith, hope, and love. Teaching stories. Stories of the setting sun and of the rising moon. Stories of triumph and challenge. Stories of healing and renewal and wisdom. Stories of the oneness and importance of all living things. What’s your story? Tell someone today. We’re waiting. |
You, as the author, own the copyrights on your stories. LEADright, as the publisher, will not limit your right to reprint and reuse your stories in any way.
LEADright owns what is is called the “collective work” copyright of Bought Wisdom, Volume II: Only Flowers Bloom Silently as a whole. A “collective work” copyright essentially exists to ensure that no one can copy and sell the anthology without the publisher’s permission.
Please contact Tony Lamair Burks II by email.