Dr. Tony Lamair Burks II
Award-winning Senior Educational Leader | Education Expert for K-12 and Adult | Consultant | Speaker | Author
We COACH and TRAIN leaders for excellence!

LEADright helps individuals reach their full potential of high performance and high fulfillment as people. Our coaching sessions can be conducted by phone or via video call to provide assessment, planning, and feedback. For more information go to COACHING.
A Testimonial: Dr. Burks assisted me in streamlining "my story" to highlight my different areas of leadership during an interview and personalized my coaching modules around the analysis of my career desires and passions. Information tells, but a story sells and LEADright sold me right into my next career move! - William Artis, Director of Curriculum and Instruction & Career and Technical Education, Hyde County Public Schools
LEADright helps individuals reach their full potential of high performance and high fulfillment as people. Our coaching sessions can be conducted by phone or via video call to provide assessment, planning, and feedback. For more information go to COACHING.
A Testimonial: Dr. Burks assisted me in streamlining "my story" to highlight my different areas of leadership during an interview and personalized my coaching modules around the analysis of my career desires and passions. Information tells, but a story sells and LEADright sold me right into my next career move! - William Artis, Director of Curriculum and Instruction & Career and Technical Education, Hyde County Public Schools
LEADright helps grieving families by writing obituaries and supports busy school leaders with speeches, letters, and more. We produce well-written communications that make our clients shine. For more information go to WRITING. A Testimonial: We were amazed by Dr. Burks' ability to capture and express the true spirit of our mother's life journey with the limited information that we were able to provide during this difficult time for our family. The obituary was not simply a resume or bulleted list of life facts. It was a meaningful tribute to our mother and the impact that she had on her family, friends and community. We view this as a historical document that can be shared for generations to come... - The Smith/Trawick Family |
Dr. Burks has been a featured storyteller and speaker at dozens of public, private, and independent schools, public school districts, universities, conferences, and symposia in the United States and abroad. He masterfully recounts stories of meeting famed dancer and anthropologist Katherine Dunham with the same passion as he retells stories of his childhood growing up in Dothan, Alabama. For more information go to SPEAKING. A Testimonial: The stories, lessons, and anecdotes that Dr. Burks shares will forever resonate within you. - Sandi McCree, youth advocate and actor (Delonda Brice in HBO’s “The Wire”). |

Our Signature LEADright professional learning and development sessions are presented in quarter-day, half-day, full-day, and multi-day formats. Sessions are fully customized to meet the identified needs of your group. For more information go to LEARNING.
A Testimonial: [Dr. Burks] managed to capture and maintain staff attention for the entire afternoon, and better yet, kept them talking the rest of the week. They really did express regret for their colleagues that were off attending other PD sessions....[T]hanks [to LEADright] for bringing a fresh point of view to a topic that so greatly impacts our schools. George A. Boschini, Principal Ronald E. McNair Elementary School, Guilford County Schools
Our Signature LEADright professional learning and development sessions are presented in quarter-day, half-day, full-day, and multi-day formats. Sessions are fully customized to meet the identified needs of your group. For more information go to LEARNING.
A Testimonial: [Dr. Burks] managed to capture and maintain staff attention for the entire afternoon, and better yet, kept them talking the rest of the week. They really did express regret for their colleagues that were off attending other PD sessions....[T]hanks [to LEADright] for bringing a fresh point of view to a topic that so greatly impacts our schools. George A. Boschini, Principal Ronald E. McNair Elementary School, Guilford County Schools